Can You Get Secondhand High?

Can You Get Secondhand High?

We all know you can get high from smoking weed, but can you get secondhand high? It’s a well-known fact that marijuana has some incredibly powerful effects on the body. What most people don’t know is that you can get high off of secondhand smoke. When this happens, you get a contact high, meaning you get high from coming into contact with weed without smoking.

As more states begin to legalize marijuana, we need to understand how exposure to secondhand weed smoke works. We’re going to look at secondhand smoke myths and facts, including if and how secondhand marijuana smoke can make someone high.

From understanding why some people are more sensitive than others, to some of the potential health risks associated with exposure to secondhand marijuana smoke  this blog post will answer all of your questions about getting high off of secondhand marijuana smoke!

Is a Secondhand High Real?

The truth is, yes, it is possible to get high from secondhand weed smoke. While the effects are typically mild compared to smoking directly, it still has the potential to cause intoxication and can produce some psychoactive effects.

For those who are particularly sensitive to certain drugs, such as cannabis, secondhand cannabis smoke can be an issue. Depending on the potency of the marijuana being smoked, as well as how large an area you’re in, secondhand smoke from weed can make someone feel just as impaired as if they had smoked themselves.

Lighting a joint with a lighter

What are the Different Ways to Get High?

When it comes to cannabis, there are more ways than ever to get high. From smoking joints and blunts to vaping and dabbing, each method of consumption yields varying levels of intensity. People can also consume cannabis edibles, tinctures, capsules, oils, and topical creams. Each of these methods produces a different level of intoxication depending on the strain, its potency, and how much of the product is consumed.

Then there’s the contact high. Although contact highs from weed aren’t as powerful as smoking, you can definitely get high if you inhale enough marijuana smoke nearby. This is more likely to happen if you’re in a small unventilated area like a vehicle, room, or hotbox situation.

Hotboxing is when you purposely smoke weed in a small space to get extra high off of the secondhand smoke in the air. That’s right. Some people actually like to get a contact high in addition to a direct high. Sitting inside a hotbox and not smoking while others do is one of the easiest ways how to get high without weed.

Secondhand Marijuana Side Effects

Secondhand marijuana smoke has many of the same side effects as first-hand smoking, though they typically don’t last as long or have as strong of an effect. Some of the most common side effects of inhaling marijuana smoke secondhand are:

  • Headaches
  • Dry mouth
  • Increased heart rate
  • Red eyes
  • Fatigue
  • Wheezing or coughing

These side effects usually pass quickly and are not permanent, but it is still important to be aware that secondhand smoke does have potential risks.

Risks of Secondhand Smoke

As with any form of smoke, secondhand marijuana smoke can pose some risks. The good thing is, the major risks of secondhand marijuana are largely related to its illegality in many places. For example, those caught around people consuming cannabis illegally may face legal repercussions or fines depending on the laws in their area.

In addition, it is possible for well-intended bystanders to fail a drug test simply from being in close proximity to someone who is smoking. Those who are subject to routine drug tests should be very mindful of secondhand cannabis smoke and limit their exposure as much as possible.

People with weakened immune systems may be particularly affected by secondhand marijuana smoke. This is why everyone should be mindful of those around them and only consume cannabis in designated areas or where permitted by law.

Person smoking a rolled cigarette

Is Inhaling Secondhand Smoke Worse Than Smoking?

While there is still much research to be done before definitive conclusions can be made on this topic, it is advisable to limit one’s exposure to secondhand marijuana smoke if you’re avoiding marijuana. Exposure may result in temporary irritation of the bronchial tubes and upper respiratory system.

The effects of occasional exposure may be limited, and the effects of long-term exposure are still largely unknown. However, research comparing the effects of cannabis smoke to tobacco smoke concludes that “current knowledge does not suggest that cannabis smoke will have a carcinogenic potential comparable to that resulting from exposure to tobacco smoke”.

So if you’re worried about inhaling secondhand cannabis smoke because you know secondhand tobacco smoke is bad, you can rest assured you’re safer with weed.

How Long Does Secondhand Smoke Stay in Your System?

The amount of time secondhand marijuana smoke stays in the body depends on many factors, including the environment and duration of exposure. On average, secondhand marijuana smoke may be detectable in your bloodstream for up to four hours after exposure.

The amount of THC left behind in your body, however, will be much lower than if directly consuming it yourself. Even though secondhand smoke may dissipate more quickly than first-hand consumption, repeated exposure still accumulates over time.

Can THC Get in Your Urine From Secondhand Smoke?

Answering this question is complicated. There are a variety of factors that can influence the likelihood of THC entering your urine from secondhand smoke. Once it enters the body, THC binds to fat cells and is slowly metabolized before being eliminated through urine.

The process of elimination can take anywhere from two days for occasional smokers to up to several weeks for chronic consumers. Luckily, the likelihood of you absorbing enough THC from secondhand smoke for it to get in your urine is very low. At the same time, you might not want to take the chance if you need to pass a marijuana screening drug test for any reason.

Can You Fail a Drug Test From Secondhand Smoke?

For the most part, it is unlikely for you to test positive for THC on a drug test from secondhand marijuana smoke alone. That being said, due to various environmental factors such as ventilation, the presence of other people smoking, and even the strain of cannabis smoked, it is theoretically possible for you to test positive. So, if you’re wondering, “Can you test positive for THC from secondhand smoke”? the answer is yes.

Ultimately, the only sure way to avoid testing positive for THC on a drug test is by avoiding first-hand consumption and limiting your exposure to secondhand smoke. While it may be difficult, it is always best to err on the side of caution when dealing with potential legal ramifications.

In the end, secondhand cannabis smoke is not necessarily considered harmful as long as you are not exposed to it for extended periods of time. Although, if you do not wish to feel the effects of marijuana or need to pass a drug test, you should be aware of your surroundings at all times and limit your exposure to secondhand smoke. By doing so, you can help avoid any potential legal or other issues associated with secondhand marijuana smoke.